
Where to find us

Main office Denmark

Datalogisk A/S
Stubbekøbingvej 41
DK-4840 Nr. Alslev
Phone: +45 7020 3311
Fax: +45 7020 3456
Email: mail@datalogisk.dk

SE number: DK-78 87 19 11

Our main office is located in Demark on the island of Falster, 1½ hour drive from Copenhagen and next to highway E44.

Subsidiary Sweden

Agrinavia AB
Oderup 9267
SE-242 97 Hörby
Phone: +46 0415 400 25
Fax: +46 0415 400 51
Email: info@datalogisk.se

VAT number: Se-556661-1868

In Sweden we are located 40 min. east of Malmö.

Subsidiary Poland

AGRINAVIA Polska Sp. z o.o.
ul.dr A.Schmidta 1 Żołędowo
PL-86-031 Osielsko
NIP 5542916264
REGON 341205583
Phone:+48 515 230 958

In Poland we are located in the western part of the country, near Bydgoszcz.

You are always welcome to pay us a visit!
