Crop stock – let the Mobile Phone Manage your Harvest!

Agrinavia MOBILE app makes the busy harvest season much easier for you as a farmer as well as more efficient. Using the facilities Crop Stock Management and GPS Tracking in the Agrinavia MOBILE app you will experience smother workflows, efficient overview, optimal knowledge sharing and easy and simple follow-up both during and after harvest season.

The days with slurred paper records and useless estimates during and after harvest are over. Our Crop Stock Management facility makes it possible to register all data on the mobile phone ‘on location’. For instance, out in the field and at the weighing. And also, the farmer can retrieve and see data any time any place. This means an accurate overview of the harvest and updated information whenever you need it.

It is a big advantage for you to be able to enter and save harvest data in one and the same system and furthermore directly on the mobile phone. Using the mobile phone, you can enter data while sitting on the tractor or harvester and does not have to wait until you get back to the office, where follow-up and calculations can be difficult only from memory and paper notes.

How to Register your Crops?

The crops can be registered on various levels in the app program. Once the crops have been transported from the fields, the farmer can enter the exact amount at the weighing (usually in tons), he can enter in which field the crops are harvested and in which stock they are stored. For instance, wheat, barley or grass seeds stock. These stocks have been pre-entered in the system; however, it is also possible to create and save a stock that is especially relevant for the individual farmer as well as external stocks.

Happy harvest season!

For more information contact Per Andersen: Tel. +45 7020 3311, e-mail,