Download CLAAS Yield Data in Agrinavia MAP

A collaboration between CLAAS and Agrinavia on data exchange has resulted in a direct connection between Agrinavia MAP program and CLAAS TELEMATICS software.

This means that CLAAS yield data from the harvester can be downloaded directly into the Agrinavia MAP program, and the field map with field boundaries can be uploaded in CLAAS TELEMATICS.

The big advantage for the customer is the transfer of his data from the machine directly to Agrinavia MAP, where he can process and work with his yield data. It is significantly timesaving that he does not have to manually extract his data from TELEMATICS first but that it runs automatically directly to Agrinavia MAP.

Users of Agrinavia MAP already have field boundaries digitally stored, and now these can easily be uploaded to CLAAS TELEMATICS. This ensures the customer full use of his automatic documentation on the machine.

The Use of Data in Agrinavia MAP

With just a few clicks the yield data from the harvester can be downloaded to the field map both during and after harvest making follow-up on data easier and much more efficient. The field map shows, for example, where and how much are harvested in the field. Compared with other years’ yields these data give a good overview of production.

Having yield data in the field map makes a good starting point for preparing application maps for precision farming, e.g. variable rate application of seed or nitrogen in the field. This counts as another advantage for farmers in the use of Agrinavia FIELD together with CLAAS TELEMATICS, and at Agrinavia it is a priority to help field growers get started with precision farming.