Easy Yield Documentation with CLAAS and Agrinavia

When using the data exchange facility between CLAAS TELEMATIC software and Agrinavia MAP, you will never have doubts as to where and how much is harvested in your fields. The CLAAS TELEMATIC software is installed in both the forage and combine harvester.

What to do?
You enter the Agrinavia MAP program and download the yield data from the software in the harvester and save them in the MAP program.

Just click the data exchange facility, and you get the yield on your screen.

See manual 

You get status, overview, documentation, and the data are saved together with all your other field data. This makes follow-up after harvest and the further planning much easier. 

Forget the use of USB sticks to retrieve yield data and forget saving them manually in the MAP program!

Download data directly in Agrinavia MAP with a few clicks! This is easy, simple and it works. Furthermore, it saves time both during and after harvest season and whenever you wish, you can get a precise status of the yield with exact figures.

Can I upload data?
Users of Agrinavia MAP already have their field boundaries digitally saved, and with the data exchange facility these can easily be uploaded to CLAAS TELEMATICS and be used for driving effectively in the fields.
