Agrinavia Job Sheets for Better Overview – Watch New Video!

Do you want to make sure, that every single task on your farm gets done? And do you want overview and easy registration?

Then the module Job Sheets for Agrinavia FIELD is the program for you.

Using Job Sheets to plan various tasks on the farm – whether it be in the fields or elsewhere – you are guaranteed easier planning, follow-up, and registration. This will eventually lead to better use of time and resources.

We have had a talk with Danish Farmer Henrik Hjort about the use of the module. Says Henrik Hjort ‘to keep track of all the job assignments, I am very fond of Job Sheets, as they provide an overview of each individual task. When it comes to spraying and fertilizing, I am 100 percent sure, I do not make mistakes.’

Also, Henrik points out, that it is very easy to see, when an employee is carrying out a job and how far he has come. And once the task is removed from the job sheet, he knows the job is done. Equally important is, that each employee – using the Agrinavia MOBILE app – registers directly in the Job Sheet program using their mobile phone or tablet. This is a lot easier for all parties involved. Also, to start a job Henrik can just text his employee telling him to carry out a specific job number.

With Job Sheets you can:

  • Plan all the specific jobs on the farm
  • Get an efficient overview
  • Provide your employees with Job Sheets
  • See which jobs are done or
  • how far you have come
  • Have all the information in only one program (on PC, smartphone and/or tablet)
  • Avoid printing paper job sheets.