Stock Management on Your Mobile Phone – Watch New Video

Using Stock Management on your mobile phone – with the Agrinavia MOBILE app – you can check your stock anytime anyplace.

This makes daily work so much more flexible, and you will always have 100% knowledge of what is stock of chemical and fertilizer. Easy, simple, and timesaving.

Using Stock Management at Borreby Estate – Watch New Short Introduction Video

At Borreby Estate on Seeland, Denmark, farm manager Jacob Rasmussen grows a full 1.200 hectares of traditional crop production. The daily work is planned, registered, and documented in the Agrinavia Field program. This means optimal management and certainty that all jobs on the farm are completely in order.

We had a chat with Jacob about his use of Agrinavia Stock Management and he explains: ‘Using Stock Management on my mobile phone gives me an overview of what is in stock of chemical and fertilizer. No matter where I am.

Everyone Has Access to Information

When a treatment in the field is to be carried out, Jacob simply takes out the mobile phone and checks what is in stock. Says Jacob: ‘We share information among each other, which means that each employee has the possibility to check what is in stock on their own mobile phone, before doing the work in the field.‘ With the Agrinavia MOBLE app the sharing of information is possible.

Furthermore, Jacob points out, that if he makes any changes in the online field plan, he can quick and easy see a new inventory list and a list of what to order. Also, he can base the field planningon stocks, and thereby avoid having carryover stock.

Crop Stock Facility

Stock Management is a module to Agrinavia FIELD. The module also contains a Crop Stock facility. During harvest this is frequently used at Borreby Estate to keep track of how much is harvested in earch field. Says Jacob: ‘I can always keep track of how much is sold and how much is still in stock.’

Read more about Crop Stock

Jacob sums up: ‘Having access to stocks directly on the mobile phone, save time and resources.